What type of education will I need to become a land surveyor?

The education required for surveyors to become licensed varies with each state, from high school graduation up to a degree from an ABET-accredited surveying program at a college or university.

In California, with only a high school education you can begin a career as a land surveyor making great entry level pay. On the job training as well as apprenticeship programs are available.

To jump start their career, many surveyors earn college degrees. There are several two year and four year programs available.

What type of academic background should I have?

Land Surveyors are problem solvers. A strong candidate for the land surveying profession should enjoy and excel at problem solving. Develop your problem solving skills by taking as many math courses as possible, including algebra, geometry and trigonometry. In addition, high school students interested in surveying should take courses in drafting, computer-aided drafting (CAD), geography and computer science.

What colleges and universities offer land surveying courses?

There are several two year and four year programs in California. Click here for a list of colleges and universities that offer land surveying.

How open is land surveying to women?

Women are attracted to land surveying in growing numbers for the same reasons the field draws men: It promises challenging, interesting work and high pay. In recent years, we have seen an increased number of women joining the profession.